Best books for JEE 2022: Math, Physics, Chemistry. Students who are preparing for jee and want to do so, they must the knowledge of books which help them to prepare for Jee 2022. Most of the Students have queries which book is best for Math , Physics and Chemistry. They are in dilemma which has more effective content that can provide them deep Knowledge about any topic. So those Students who want to know the best publications for their Jee Main and Jee advanced preparation can see the following table. Student's can buy these books by clicking on the banner of books given in the side of book name. Best books for JEE Main Physics S. No Name of the book and author Buy option from Amazon 1. DC pandey Bes t book for Numericals. This book comes in five parts:- MechanicsI,MechanicsII, Thermodynamics Optics, 2. Hc verma Best for both Numericals and concepts. 3. Arihant question bank Best for previous year numericals which required in last ti...
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